The GargLab in the Department of Physiology at the University of Maryland Baltimore is seeking a highly motivated scientist with a strong background in molecular biology and/or electrophysiology to join our team. Research in the lab focuses on the molecular physiology of mitochondrial proteins specifically ion channels and transporters, their role in human disease, and how different organisms adapt to defects in mitochondrial functions. We use high resolution electrophysiological, imaging and biochemical approaches to elucidate signaling pathways that are fundamental to mitochondrial bioenergetics, using diverse model systems. Available projects include detailed investigations into the structure-function studies of Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter and related proteins.
Located in the Howard Hall, we have access to extensive core facilities. The environment within the Department is highly collaborative, and extensive career training and mentoring is available within the department and from the Office of Postdoctoral Scholars. The department faculty is internationally recognized for membrane excitability & associated (muscle, neurological and cardiovascular) disorders, and extensive opportunities are available for collaborations. Our group is also a part of BioMet – The Center for Biomedical Engineering and Technology at UMB, and has access to multiple imaging modalities.
We are seeking exceptional individuals, with a track record of impactful publications, to join our new and highly collaborative team. Relevant areas of expertise include strong electrophysiology and/or molecular biology skills, and a strong desire to make a career in mitochondrial biology or membrane excitability. Specific knowledge of any of these areas is less critical, however, than outstanding intellectual ability and strong research and quantitative skills. These individuals will work in collaboration with an outstanding group of scientists with long-standing track records in basic and translational research. This is an excellent opportunity to learn mitochondrial patch clamp and biology, and break new grounds with high impact publications.
Interested applicants should email directly to Dr. Vivek Garg at, with a cover letter and a detailed CV (with name of the referees).
Dr. Vivek Garg
Dept. of Physiology
660 W. Redwood Street
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD 21201