<English follows>
理事長 久保 義弘
* 激甚災害の被害は行政区画に収まらない場合もあるかと存じます。対象地区在住でない場合でも、り災証明書が発行されていれば補助を検討いたしますので、まずは本学会事務局へメールでご相談ください。
* 申請総額が義援金残高を超過した場合には、参加費の一部補助とする。
* ただし2024年度までの会費納入済のこと
【参考】 2024年の激甚災害対象地区と災害名 2024.11.21時点
災害名 | 主な被災地 | 政令名 |
令和6年能登半島地震 | 石川県・富山県・新潟県・福井県 | 令和六年能登半島地震による災害についての激甚災害及びこれに対し適用すべき措置の指定に関する政令 |
梅雨前線 | 秋田県・山形県・島根県 | 令和六年六月八日から七月三十日までの間の豪雨による災害についての激甚災害及びこれに対し適用すべき措置の指定に関する政令 |
台風第5号 | 岩手県 | 令和六年八月十日から同月十三日までの間の暴風雨による岩手県下閉伊郡岩泉町及び宮古市の区域に係る災害についての激甚災害並びにこれに対し適用すべき措置の指定に関する政令 |
台風第10号 | 神奈川県・岐阜県・静岡県・愛知県・福岡県・大分県・宮崎県・鹿児島県 | 令和六年八月二十六日から九月三日までの間の暴風雨及び豪雨による災害についての激甚災害並びにこれに対し適用すべき措置の指定に関する政令 |
前線による豪雨 | 石川県 | 令和六年九月二十日から同月二十三日までの間の豪雨による災害についての激甚災害及びこれに対し適用すべき措置の指定に関する政令 |
1) 大会参加費補助申請書
(Word) 1)大会参加費補助申請書_激甚災害_2024
(PDF) 1)大会参加費補助申請書_激甚災害_2024
2) 参加登録費の領収書(コピー)
一般社団法人日本生理学会 事務局
〒160-0016 東京都新宿区信濃町35
E-mail: psj@imic.or.jp
Support for the Registration Fee
of the Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan (PSJ)
Dear member of the PSJ
President of the PSJ
Yoshihiro Kubo
The Physiological Society of Japan (PSJ) has been supporting the registration fee for the PSJ members who suffered from disasters such as Great East Japan earthquake in 2011 and Kumamoto earthquake in 2016, based on the fund supported by the PSJ members, which was established on the occasion of Great East Japan earthquake.
On the occasion of the 102th Annual Meeting of the PSJ(APPW2025)March 2025, the PSJ supports the registration fee for the PSJ member who resides or whose affiliated institution is located in the area of the Japanese government-authorized catastrophic disasters that occurred in Japan in 2024.
1. Support in the year of 2025
The support applies for the registration fee for the 102th Annual Meeting of the PSJ.
2. Requirements for application
The PSJ member who resides or whose affiliated institution is located in the area of the Japanese government-authorized catastrophic disasters that occurred in Japan in 2024.
The areas of the authorized disasters are as follows (as of November 21, 2024):
Ishikawa Prefecture・Toyama Prefecture・Niigata Prefecture・Fukui Prefecture・
Akita Prefecture・Yamagata Prefecture・Shimane Prefecture・Iwate Prefecture・
Kanagawa Prefecture・Gifu Prefecture・Shizuoka Prefecture・Aichi Prefecture・
Fukuoka Prefecture・Oita Prefecture・Miyazaki Prefecture・Kagoshima Prefecture
(The areas will be updated upon the decision by the president and vice presidents meeting according to the update of government authorization until the annual meeting)
Please note:
* In the case of the PSJ Student member, the presenter at the meeting will be prioritized.
* The full support may not be possible in case of high demand, because of the limited supply.
* The recipient of the official certificate of disaster would be eligible to apply for the support, even though they reside outside the authorized area of the disaster. Please feel free to consult the office of the PSJ for any uncertainty of the eligibility.
3.How to apply
Please send the followings to the PSJ office by e-mail.
1) Application form
・Please download the form from the PSJ website
(Word) 1)Application form-support for registration fee_2024
(PDF) 1)Application form-support for registration fee_2024
2) Copy of the receipt of the registration fee
・Please make the copy show the name and the amount of the registration fee
4. Deadline
1 week after ending On-Demand posting
5. Contact information
The Physiological Society of Japan
c/o International Medical Information Center
35 Shinano-machi, Shinjuku, Tokyo 160-0016, Japan
Tel: 03(5361)7277
Fax: 03(5361)7091
E-mail: psj@imic.or.jp