2014-2016年度 JPS編集委員会名簿

石川  義弘【委員長】 Yokohama City University
佐久間 康夫 University of Tokyo Health Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
University of Hong Kong
Emory University School of Medicine
後藤 勝正 Toyohashi Sozo University
挾間  章博 Fukushima Medical University
堀田 晴美 Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital and Institute of Gerontoloty
亀山  正樹 Kagoshima Univ. Fac. Med.
狩野  方伸 University of Tokyo
河原  克雅 Kitasato University
Seoul National University
小西  真人 Tokyo Medical University
久保  義弘 National Institute for Physiological Sciences
久保川  学 Iwate Medical University School of Medicine
倉智  嘉久 Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
蔵田 潔 Department of Physiology, Hirosaki University School of Medicine
黒澤  美枝子 International University of Health and Welfare
桑木  共之 Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine
Fudan University
丸中  良典 Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
松岡 達 Kyoto University
三木  健寿 Nara Women’s University
箕越  靖彦 National Institute for Physiological Sciences
三谷  昌平 Tokyo Women’s Medical University
森田 啓之 Gifu University
永島 計 Waseda University
中尾  光之 Tohoku University
中里 雅光 University of Miyazaki
西田  育弘 National Defence Medical College
Edith Cowan University
能勢 博 Shinshu University
小河 繁彦 Toyo University
岡村  康司 Osaka Univ
越久 仁敬 Hyogo College of Medicine
Monash University
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Rush University School of Medicine
酒井 秀紀 University of Toyama
佐久間 一郎 University of Tokyo
University of California at San Diego
芝崎 学 Nara Women’s University
志水 泰武 Gifu University
Georgia Institute of Technology
曽我部  正博 Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
征矢 英昭 University of Tsukuba
University of Gothenburg
杉町 勝 National Cardiovascular Center
高橋 英嗣 Saga University
高木 都 Nara Medical University
鷹野 誠 Kurume University
竹森 重 The Jikei University School of Medicine
富永 真琴 Okazaki Institute for Integrative Bioscience
上田 陽一 University of Occupational and Environmental Health
University of Utrecht
渡邊 達生 Tottori University
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Xi’an Jiaotong University School of Medicine
八尾 寛 Tohoku University
赤羽 悟美 東邦大
南沢 享 東京慈恵会医科大
奥村 敏 鶴見大
佐藤 元彦 愛知医科大学